
Black God's Kiss RPG Box Set

Created by Janaka Stucky

A perilous adventure unearthing the dark arcana behind Sword & Sorcery’s iconic tabletop roleplaying game

Latest Updates from Our Project:

September Progress Report + New Digital Downloads!
18 days ago – Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 12:35:46 PM

Hi All,

I have some exciting news to share! We’ve just digitally distributed drafts of two modules 🔥 

  • Black God's Kiss - Adventure Module #1
  • Hellsgarde - Adventure Module #3

Please note that these are drafts, so you can expect some changes before the final print versions and PDFs are ready.

Additionally, Black God's Shadow - Adventure Module #2, which features an incredible hex crawl written by Max Moon, has gone through multiple rounds of copy editing and is now about to head into layout. We're on track to deliver a digital version of this module in October!

Max has also stepped in to take on a great project management role to help lighten the load on me and accelerate our progress through the finish line.

General Progress Update

  • Micro Game: Done!
  • Full Digital Album: Done!
  • Core Book: Done! **
  • Black God's Kiss (Module #1): Done! **
  • Black God's Shadow (Module #2): Wrapping up copy edits, then layout.
  • Hellsgarde (Module #3): Done! **
  • Encounter the Architects (Module #4): Art and writing in progress.

** final PDF to be distributed

I'm also thrilled to share some concept artwork from Saprophial for Encounter the Architects, which takes the greatest creative license from the original writings and spins out a whole new dimension of weird...

What's Next?

In October, we will:

  • Distribute the Module #2 PDF, and the STLs for the minis
  • Wrap-up writing and artwork on Module #4, and begin copy edits
  • Start finalizing all the PDFs for print

Once we get the box contents into production (our "long pole"), we can then turn our attention to items with shorter manufacturing times like the t-shirt, poster, and cassette. In the meantime... stay connected with us:

  • Join the conversation on Discord ⚔️
  • Follow our latest on Instagram ⚔️
  • Share your thoughts on our Facebook page ⚔️
  • Post your excitement on X ⚔️

The Black God's Kiss Crew

August (ok, technically September) Progress Report
about 2 months ago – Sun, Sep 01, 2024 at 03:48:47 PM

Hi All,

I hope this update finds you well! While we're running a bit behind on our August deliverables, I'm happy to report that things are moving forward and we should start sending out those updates in the coming week.

General Progress Update

As some of you might recall from a previous update, I've been juggling a lot lately, including some intense caretaking responsibilities for my family. This has stretched me thin, but I'm actively working on ways to streamline our processes and remove myself as a bottleneck to keep the project on track. I truly appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate these challenges.

Now, onto some amazing  illustrations from Saprophial that I’m thrilled to share with you, along with a stunning battle mat painting by Joe Keinberger. Their work continues to blow me away, and I think you'll love what they've created for Black God’s Kiss...

Here is the battle map of the Black God's temple from the core book, designed by Jog Brogzin and painted by Joe Keinberger. The Early Bird Deluxe Set and Black God's Bundle tiers will come with this fold-out physical map—scaled to use with 32mm miniatures—automatically. It's also available as an add-on for anyone else who wants it. Joe painted it at full scale to ensure all the brush strokes come through in printing:

And here are is one of the blind horses that make a cameo in C.L. Moore's original story:

I really love how Saprophial interpreted these strange beings; they now make a few prominent appearances in modules #1 and #2 for some added horror and mystery...

What's Next?

We’ll have another update for you before the end of September with more progress reports and visuals. We’re pushing forward, and I can't wait to share even more with you soon.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm. It means the world to me and the entire Black God's Kiss crew.

Until next time, stay connected:

  • Join the conversation on Discord ⚔️
  • Follow our latest on Instagram ⚔️
  • Share your thoughts on our Facebook page ⚔️
  • Post your excitement on X ⚔️

The Black God's Kiss Crew

Real Update Coming Tomorrow
about 2 months ago – Sat, Aug 31, 2024 at 02:34:07 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

about 2 months ago – Sat, Aug 31, 2024 at 02:27:39 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

July Progress Report
3 months ago – Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 08:03:05 AM

Hi All,

Since we got back on track at the beginning of June things have really be humming along. s mentioned in last month's update, I brought in some additional layout help (our long pole at this stage). Several weeks ago Greg Horton from Electi Studio joined the team to assist with additional layout and design! It's been great having him on board, and he is playing nicely with the other designers.

General Progress Update

  • Micro Game: Done!
  • Full Digital Album: Done!
  • Core Book: We are still making some adjustments after the draft PDF was distributed, should have the final PDF ready soon.
  • Black God's Kiss (Module #1): Layout is done and we should be able to share the PDF very soon!
  • Black God's Shadow (Module #2): All the content is written. All the art is done. It will go into copy edits as soon as copyediting wraps on Hellsgarde, and then layout.
  • Hellsgarde (Module #3): Currently in copyedits and is next for layout.
  • Encounter the Architects (Module #4): Concept art and writing in progress.

What's Next?

In August we will distribute the finalized Core Book PDF, the Module #1 PDF, and the STLs for the minis. We might even get to distribute Module #3 PDF by the end of the month (stretch goal!). We will also begin layout on Module #2, and wrap up writing on Module #4. In the meantime... Stay connected with us:

  • Join the conversation on Discord ⚔️
  • Follow our latest on Instagram ⚔️
  • Share your thoughts on our Facebook page ⚔️
  • Post your excitement on X ⚔️

xo The Black God's Kiss Crew